SOAKING at the right time in the pool will probably give you comfort amid your busy holiday activities. Other than cooling down, swimming will also pose a good exercise and relaxation. Do not let your body feel stifling hot.
Beautiful pool will not only be nice to see but also convenient to be enjoyed. Some elements can be added to embellish and beautify the atmosphere. For instance, it can be added to lovely minimalist garden and water feature.
In Bali, the water feature looking similar to grotto or waterfall curtain is known as temuku or water divider. It can be easily found at paddy field areas with terraced landscape managed by subak (traditional irrigation cooperative). The greatest one can be seen at Unda River dam in Klungkung. It is located in the east of Kertaghosa or the town of Klungkung, Bali.
Surely the pool at your villa or hotel with this water feature will bring in a dramatic difference in terms of allurement and enjoyment. Other than allowing you to laze a little longer, it seems to let you go back to nature. It’s pleasant and wonderful.
In short, it makes you get amazed. Hearing the sound of splashing and spraying of the water feature can also be entertaining.