Basic Bahasa Indonesia for Bargaining at an Art Market 

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shopping at art market
Illustration of travelers shopping at art market. (Image: GwAI/Allabali)

IMAGINE walking through a bustling local market in Bali—the scent of fresh spices fills the air, colorful fabrics sway in the breeze, and friendly vendors call out their best deals. But instead of feeling like an outsider, you greet them in Indonesian language.

Instantly, smiles widen, prices drop, and a genuine connection is formed. Speaking the local language, even just a few words, can transform your shopping experience from a simple transaction into a meaningful cultural exchange. Want to unlock the best deals, hidden gems, and warmest welcomes? Here’s why learning a few local phrases is worth it!

These simple conversations are designed for foreign travelers who want to learn essential Bahasa Indonesia phrases and expressions for bargaining at the local market. Hopefully, at the end learners will be able to negotiate prices, ask about product details, and complete a purchase confidently in Indonesian.

  1. Greetings & Starting a Conversation

Common greetings before bargaining:

  • Halo! (Hello!)
  • Selamat pagi/siang/sore! (Good morning/afternoon/evening!)
  • Apa kabar? (How are you?)

Opening a conversation with a seller:

  • Saya mau lihat-lihat dulu. (I’m just looking around.)
  • Saya tertarik dengan ini. (I’m interested in this.)
  1. Asking About the Product

Inquiring about price & quality:

  • Berapa harganya? (How much is this?)
  • Ada yang lebih murah? (Do you have a cheaper one?)
  • Ini terbuat dari apa? (What is this made of?)
  • Apakah ini buatan tangan? (Is this handmade?)
  • Ada warna lain? (Do you have other colors?)
  1. Bargaining & Negotiation Techniques

Negotiation phrases:

  • Bisa kurang sedikit? (Can you lower the price a little?)
  • Saya lihat di toko lain lebih murah. (I saw this cheaper in another shop.)
  • Bisa kasih harga spesial? (Can you give me a special price?)
  • Kalau saya beli dua, ada diskon? (If I buy two, do I get a discount?)

Seller’s possible responses and how to react:

  • Tidak bisa, harga pas. (No, the price is fixed.)
  • Oke, saya pikir-pikir dulu. (Okay, I’ll think about it.)
  • Bisa, saya kasih harga terbaik. (Yes, I’ll give you the best price.)
  • Baik, saya ambil. (Okay, I’ll take it.)
  1. Payment & Closing the Deal

Finalizing the purchase:

  • Saya bayar dengan kartu atau tunai? (Do you accept card or cash?)
  • Bisa pakai uang dolar atau harus rupiah? (Can I use US dollars, or do I need rupiah?)
  • Terima kasih! Saya suka barang ini! (Thank you! I love this item!)
  1. Cultural Tips for Bargaining in Indonesia

✅ Smile and be friendly – bargaining is a social interaction.

✅ Be patient and expect counter offers.

✅ Start with a lower price than expected but be reasonable.

✅ If the seller refuses, be polite and walk away – they may call you back with a better offer.

✅ Always say “Terima kasih” (Thank you) after making a purchase.

Selamat berbelanja! (Happy shopping!)


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